Adam was looking for someone to help him transition from his full-time job of 12 years in technical recruitment to founding his own consultancy company – P2P Consultancy Ltd.
Adam needed branding and a website for P2P Consultancy to advertise available jobs. He contacted Nula after being recommended by a previous client of ours.

ClientP2P LTDYear2019Share:

Project Highlights

  • Branding
  • Website design
  • Website management
  • It Support

02Our Approach

After numerous conversations and emails we got to work creating a simple and sharp logo as requested by Adam. Then we moved on to designing P2P Consultancy’s website, ensuring it was simple and easy for Adam to upload job posts and for people to apply.


The Result

P2P Consultancy Ltd now have a website to list available jobs. These can easily be filtered by key words, location and job type, applicants can also conveniently apply and post their CV’s.


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